Monday, December 29, 2008

Back from kedah

10 days in kedah..
LIfe there was miserable..
we have to feed all the MOsquito..
everynight was like sleeping with mosquito..
Also "lipas" and Unknown spesies insects...
BAthing cold water... Eating food was terible..
Wan tan mee no wan tan..
Pizza hut de pizza aso taste different from KL de..
Crazy Life...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Short semester

Last sem for foundation..
My god stressnya~ so many work not done...
All rushing to a week
so dead meat!!
Presentation on tuesday.. nothing done!!!today is Sunday!!!

Wait for me..

I hope u would wait for me..
I never let u go before..
Feelings never fade..
Just that I had always been busy~

Monday, December 1, 2008


My computer broke down today!!
My god.. I am so dead meat..
How to continue with my assignment at night?!!!
What have happen?
SUppose everything is going well..
But everything seems...... OMG...